Mission For Mason

Heaven Is Purple. It's simply a place where all the babies and families who are affected by preterm birth are honored.  Where all the babies who have passed away from being born early are honored. Where all our angels are honored. Where our every day superheroes are honored. A place full of love and compassion. A place of acceptance. "Purple Heaven" is some place above it all. 

On January 9th 2013 Mason Robert Kovacs was born 5 months premature. Due to the severe complications of being born so early he passed away the next day. The time after Mason's passing was a very intense period filled with many different feelings, emotions and pains. Through it all one thought stuck with me in the back of my head which was "I have to do something to honor Mason"

In 2015 we started the "All Purple Everything Kickball Tournament" or "APEKTfor short. A fundraiser for the March of Dimes to raise awareness and donations for the cause. To honor Mason & give him a legacy. To honor all those who have been affected in any way by preterm birth. The event is a kickball tournament in Woodbridge, NJ. APEKT is the core of my fundraising for March of Dimes though i do participate in other ways. It's the culmination of the beauty in so many peoples soul.  

Without the supporters none of this is possible, including YOU!

Our Crew

Meet the awesome people who make this mission possible.

Kris Kovas

Founder & Proud Father

Danielle Fusco


Mathew Kovacs


Jake Kovacs


Manuel Fontaina
